Palang pintu
In many country, ethnicity, and also tradition there is some special ritual when doing marriage. Either from the bride or the family itself. One of the betawi's tradition that still exist in this modern world is the palang pintu. Palang pintu is a role play tradition to open a barrier that someone or more represents in order to enter an area. This tradition is usually used at weddings or public events (welcoming special guests at the event). Usually, the property that carried by the guards is silat attraction, like golok , and some rebana music team. The guard costum use koko/sadariah shirt combine with trouser. The process The role play process of palang pintu consist of 2 guardian from the bride side, 1 guardian from groom side, and one pantun interpreter, some shalawat reader, and rebana music team. Palang pintu started with the groom's guardian enter the bride "area" and they started to exchange pantun from one another. The groom can be w...