Betawi rapper

The village atmosphere inspired him to write a rap song with Betawi nuances. Kojek was born in Sunter, North Jakarta, in 1986, claiming to enjoy the beauty of life in the village. He bathed in the river, chased dragonflies, and enjoyed all kinds of things like village children.

"Kojek remembers the message Babe, can you rap as long as you don't forget about Betawi," he said. Kojek admitted that he had been banned from rapping by his father. the permissions were granted after he mixed rap with Betawi, 

The man who got the nickname because he likes to suck a candy called "kojek" said he started rapping since 2010. It all started when Kojek won the rap music competition held at Jakarta Fair, Kemayoran. At that time he claimed to still be just ordinary rap. But after carrying Betawi rap, Kojek and his works became known. 

He released an album on 2012 which has 12 tracks, and one of them is the "Enjoy Jakarte". 


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